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3 years ago
No matter how hot the women is after you have sex with her 50 times and you get to know her or live with her you get used to it and sometimes you just cant get hard. I know dated many hot women and it happens everytime.
Ossian 2 years ago
If nothing else he has lovely balls.
I would be very happy to suck his cock, soft or othewise.
Basil 3 years ago
This is sooooo hooooot???️️️️️️️
3 years ago
This is complete CRAP! Don't evev start watching until 06:35 minutes on!
web 1 year ago
Antidepressants and spinal chord damage can keep him soft too. If it’s either of these things she knows what she’s getting into every time with him. This could be enjoyable for her anyway. ai think the first st time I saw a video of these two it claim d he was a vet.
1 year ago
What is her name ?
Hans 2 years ago
Can we see more her dam. Look even better if his dick grew hard af in her mouth
Bob 3 years ago
Question for female viewers. ?
Do you prefer to suck a big soft cock or
an average hard cock.
SKdreaminginohio 3 years ago
Something is wrong with this guy. A beautiful young woman sucking and stretching his penis and fondling his testicles and never gets erect, something wrong with this picture. He must not have any feeling in his penis. A girl I was engaged to in1974 named Teresa loved to suck penis when flaccid just to see how long she could stretch my penis with her mind blowing suction. One time she stretched it over 14 inches and was small in diameter. Thought she was going to pop the head of my penis off.
rk54 3 years ago
Guy hopefully came already before this video, otherwise he is douche.